CSA PICK-UP PARTY REMINDER Wednesday, April 5th, 5pm-7pm
Your Pick Up Party is BACK! A gentle reminder that we'll be popping corks this coming Wednesday from 5-7pm.
To say we have received A LOT of wine over the last couple of weeks would be an understatement. Deliveries have been monstrous around here with Spring finally upon us. With so many new labels on the shelves, our heads are spinning with excitement. We can't wait to share them with you!
We hope to see you there and remember, all are welcome! Please bring your Monarch tote to this month's party as we are actively trying to reduce our use of paper bags.
Not yet a member of our wine club? See details below, and join us this Wednesday to see what it's all about!
Monarch CSA Wine Club It's not too late to join the club! Here's the info:
WHAT YOU GET: 3 bottles we are currently digging! Each month, we’ll fill your bag with a mix of red, white, rose, sparkling, etc. – always seasonally-appropriate and always an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone. While we can’t reveal exactly what you will get each month, we can guarantee that we are super stoked about each selection and think you will be too!
Members will receive a re-usable wine tote filled with our monthly picks along with in-depth information on each of the 3 bottles!
We will host a “pick-up party” every first Wednesday of the month, where we will pop some super fun bottles just for you! You’ll also get first dibs on some limited wines before we release them to the masses. Join us this Wednesday and see what it's all about!
Cost: $69.99/month
Sign up by calling 843-576-4845 or clicking this LINK.